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Dermatology Consultation

The Bourgnewian Queens Holistic Center Clinic-AIM TO SERVE YOU-served site


Welcome to The Bourgnewian Queens Holistic Center Clinic. We offer additional resource for clients of the Allied Medical Practice Network & Allied Pavilion Video-Health Network. We have resource for individuals, age development, and healthy habitual aging. We are here to advance, teach, and educate about the resources available to you as clients. World Famous Health Systems-Allied Health Networks supported by Bourgnew's Philantrophy Center. Help Find Cures Together brought to you by Allied Health Networks & Allied C.C. University- Learn about your DNA and see if you are the right fit for research that can cure hereditary diseases such as cancer, diabetes, etc... First find your autosomes go to a site like we recommend Living DNA who will guide through their system at Then after you understand your basic DNA and you can learn about diets and excercises that your ancestors had which can help your own health. Know that your DNA belongs to you, you can always erase your DNA from any records legally and discrimination because of DNA is illegal, know your rights. Then upload them for Free to and they will let you know if you are a match for future research besides giving you facts weekly about your DNA for Free. 

Moderate physical activity is typically defined as brisk walking or bicycling or running up and down stairs. Vigorous movement, such as aerobic dancing, jogging, running, swimming and biking up a hill, will boost your heart rate and breathing.The study, published Monday in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, found doing just under 10 minutes of moderate to vigorous exertion each day improved study participants' working memory but had its biggest impact on executive processes such as planning and organization.

Top Benefits of Physical Activity

  • Improve your memory and brain function (all age groups).

  • Protect against many chronic diseases.

  • Aid in weight management.

  • Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

  • Improve your quality of sleep.

  • Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

  • Combat cancer-related fatigue.

Health*Drink before you eat, avoid dehydration *Replace Sugar with Sweetener for diabetics and dieters*Briskly Walk for at least 30 minutes a day to prevent heart attacks & strokes*Reduce Stress daily as preventative health*Eliminate smoking & avoid drunkeness* Keep your home, your personal space in good condition*Try new ways to add veggies & grains*Always ask about the latest treatments its your right*Portion control, avoid overeating*Love your body and treat it right*Proper care means wellness*Myths true, for some Dark Chocolate lowers Blood Pressure whether sweeten or unsweeten*Take three breaths while sitting before taking your Blood Pressure*To increase vitamins & minerals-eat cereals, salads, and soups*Vitamins & Minerals from food naturally is always better than unnaturally-use discretion*Remember drinking water routinely is essence to good dieting*When preparing meals, remember olive oil, canola oil or vegetable oil because these oils carry less fat and strengthen your immunity*Stretching and Basic Chores around the house are a great way to start excercising and maintain health*Always stretch before you excercise to avoid a strain*Fruits like Berries such as BlackBerries strengthen the mind*Veggies help regulate the digestion*Grain give lasting energy*Milk and dairy strengthens the bones*Protein strengthens the immune system*Keep warm especially in colder seasons, warmth helps your meds process through the blood*Warmth also help you sleep properly and in warmer season staying cool*when homeostasis is not kept. If it's too cold or if it's too hot. The weather can stop the blood from flowing properly and circulating the meds in the body. It is important to tell people to get the vaccines and boosters. And make sure they dress right for the weather and have warm homes for the winter or cool homes for the warm season. In extreme areas, wear masks and use proper hygiene. Proper hygiene prevent a ton of diseases, showering or bathing cleans the bacteria off of you which can cause diseases and illnesses. Brushing your teeth can restart your palate and remove unnecessary bacteria. Medicines only work properly on an individual who does practice moderation and vigilant about their health.


 Our Time is Now

What are the 4 pillars of holistic health?

Nutrition, Exercise, Relaxation, Sleep. These pillars work together to keep your mind and body healthy. Nutrition. A healthy diet promotes bacteria in the gut that helps “feel good” signals get through to the brain.

Vaccinations is a right. Vaccinations although they may be experimential can safe lives. We believe the science. Science may seem risky today Modern Science is built on humanity, safety, and sound evidence. The future is in your hands and your very life so Search your religion, philosophical belief and morale. If you are willing to risk it then you might help the next generation to build and endure the next Epic Pandemic.

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